on issuance of notice on further enhancing hpf withdrawal review-尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录

laws & regulations
on issuance of notice on further enhancing hpf withdrawal review

on issuance of notice on further enhancing hpf withdrawal review

 shgjjg no. 11 (2015)


shanghai provident fund management center:

notice on further enhancing hpf withdrawal review (hereinafter referred to as “the notice”) has been discussed and approved by the 48th plenary session of the municipal housing provident fund management committee. we hereby issue the notice to you. please abide by and proceed accordingly.

shanghai housing provident fund management committee
14 october 2015  


notice on further enhancing hpf withdrawal review


to effectively implement the state council’s regulations on management of housing provident fund and provisions of shanghai municipality on administration of housing provident fund, and the relevant stipulations in notice on operational issues regarding nonlocal housing provident fund home loans (jj no. 135-2015), further standardize the municipality’s housing provident fund withdrawal reviewing process for working efficiency and prevent withdrawal violations to ensure fund safety, we hereby notify you of the following:

1. shanghai provident fund management center (hereinafter abbreviated as spfmc) should ensure housing provident fund withdrawal operational compliance with relevant laws and regulations, tighten up review, beef up supervision, ramp up working efficiency, draw up necessary withdrawal reviewing operational standards, conduct online querying for an employee’s withdrawal eligibility review via networked information systems in the withdrawal handling process, authenticate the information in the employee’s application documents after receiving for handling with the support of pertinent government agencies, and prevent housing provident fund withdrawal violations to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the housing provident fund paying employees.

2. a paying employee should submit a withdrawal application to the municipal provident fund center with undeceptive behavior and supporting documents in accordance with relevant housing provident fund withdrawal regulations of the municipality. any social intermediary agency or individual must not offer help to or assist in withdrawal violations.

3. provided that an employee should apply for housinig provident fund withdrawal due to home purchase within this municipality or in another city or province, the purchased home may only allow withdrawal once on condition that such transaction should occur only once within a calendar year due to the employee’s self-occupying need, the employee may apply to the municipal provident fund center for housing provident fund withdrawal by submitting valid supporting documents and explanatory remarks, and municipal provident fund center should investigate and validate the employee’s home purchase, and determine whether to approve or disapprove the withdrawal within three working days based on the verification result.

4. as for outbound transfer of the labor relationship of an employee with household registration in a city other than shanghai, the account transferring procedures shall be handled on the premise that the new labor relationship and the new housing provident fund personal account are established in another city or province. apart from the supporting documents as currently required, relevant proofs should be provided, indicating establishment of the employee’s housing provident fund personal account issued by the housing provident fund center of the city where the employee’s new labor relationship is established. given that the employee’s new labor relationship is not yet established, or the employee has established new labor relationship without a registered new housing provident fund personal account, account blocking process will be handled in this municipality, pending account transferring process at a later time when the employee has got both an established labor relationship and an established housing provident fund personal account in another city or province. during the account blocking period, the employee is entitled to withdrawal as per the criteria for housing provident fund withdrawal within this municipality.

should there be any doubt about authenticity of the employee’s withdrawal arising in the course of the withdrawal review, the municipal provident fund center may require the employee to further provide additional valid documents as appropriate, or contact relevant departments for investigation, evidence collection or verification, and determine whether to approve or disapprove the withdrawal within three working days based on the verification result. any withdrawal violation discovered thereof shall be seriously handled, or prosecuted for criminal liability under such circumstances as a crime is committed.

the notice shall take effect as of the issuing date. the municipal provident fund center may proceed to prepare working instructions as per the actual situation.
