cadres meeting 2013 held at spfmc-尊龙凯时人生就是博官网登录

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cadres meeting 2013 held at spfmc

spfmc’s cadres meeting was held on january 10 for summing up of 2012 and deployment for 2013. present at the meeting were responsible persons from spfmc’s party committee, government, labour union, youth league committee and district/county management divisions. director shen zhengchao made a theme report on “thorough study and implementation of resolutions of 18th cpc national congress in a bid to create a new situation for the undertaking of shanghai housing provident fund”.

in 2012, all cadres and staff of spfmc, under proper leadership of shanghai municipal committee and government, pursued innovation in management and practice at the transformational development stage, strived with cohesive and concerted effort, accomplished various targets and tasks, and made new contribution to expanding the role of housing provident fund in support of security housing system construction and housing consumption promotion as well as housing improvement for families with housing difficulties.

in 2013, spfmc will conduct thorough studies and implementation of the resolutions of “18th cpc national congress, holding high the great banner of socialism with chinese characteristics under guidance of deng xiaoping theory, the important thought of “three represents” and scientific outlook on development, and further liberate our minds and unite to form cohesive force in an effort to speed up the transformational development of housing provident fund with close focus on expanding provident fund system coverage as the mainstream, improving functioning of provident fund system and upgrading service standard, in a bid to accomplish the annual targets of the provident fund undertaking and make greater contribution to security housing system of shanghai municipality.

spfmc will mainly focus on the following important items in 2013 : (1) bringing into full play the spearheading role of coverage expansion to realize leapfrog increase of paying employees; (2) full-scale implementation of the “three-year action plan” to further upgrade service standard; (3) intensifying efforts at making best use of provident fund to bolster security housing construction; (4) continuing to implement the policy for differentiation of provident fund loans for home purchase, proactively improving the policy for withdrawal to support housing consumption; (5) accelerating informatization construction and promoting development of provident fund system; (6) taking the new round of cooperative agreement performance as the opportunity to comprehensively upgrade provident fund management capability; (7) continuing to enhance our research studies to crack problems in development.

finally, director shen zhengchao made arrangements for important tasks in the first quarter and put forward respective work requirements before the meeting attendees went to visit the call center of hp hotline of shanghai 12329.
